The 48th. Annual Blackpool and District Association of Mark Lodges Festival
The Blackpool and District Association of Mark Lodges held its 48th. Annual Festival at Cleveleys Masonic Hall on the 15th March 2018. The host Lodge on this occasion was Cleveleys Lodge of Mark Master Masons No.1176 and the festival was entitled "Firing the Provincial Grand Master" an interesting title. Like other Festivals held in West Lancashire The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Keith Alan Beardmore and his Provincial Team attended along with several Grand Officers which made the title even more interesting. As is usual on team visits the relentless Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies Worshipful Brother David Emmerson Past Grand Senior Deacon and team of Assistants Director of Ceremonies put the Provincial Team through their paces, entering and retiring until it was just right.
Grand Officers
At 6.00pm prompt the Worshipful Master Steven Hagan opened the Lodge and quickly dispatched the domestic items of business. On a report the Provincial Director of Ceremonies announced that the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master was without and seeking admission. The Provincial Grand Master entered in processional order, and as protocol dictates the Provincial Grand Master was offered the Gavel of the Lodge which he politely refused stating he was there to enjoy himself. he was escorted to his seat in the Lodge and the usual salutation were carried out.
Grand and Acting Provincial Grand Officers
D.C.s on Parade
The next item was the presentation of the festival. The Lodge furniture was re-arranged to suit, and the personnel took up their position. The Lodge Director of Ceremonies, and narrator, Worshipful Brother Alan H. Fairhurst Past Provincial Grand Junior Warden quickly pointed out that the presentation had nothing to do with sacking the Provincial Grand Master, much to the delight of the Provincial Grand Master, but the now not often performed practice of "Fire" after a toast (with exception of that to H. M. The Queen) which is performed by the clapping of the hands or banging a special glass, "firing glass" on the table. W.Bro. Fairhurst gave an history and origins of "Fire". The presentation completed the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master complemented W.Bro. Fairhurst and his team for a very interesting and informative presentation.
Sword and Standard Bearers
Masters in Office:-
Prince Setanta: Bill Farrington, Bispham Norbreck:.John Chapman, Cleveleys: Steven Hagan
Wyre: Joe O,Brien & Semper Fidelis: David Kenworthy
W.M. and Provincial Wardens
After the first rising the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master and his Provincial Officers along with the Grand Officers retired. The Worshipful Master completed any other business and then closed the Lodge. The Brethren vacated the Lodge Room to enable photographs to be taken of the occasion. Having taken the photo-shoot, we repaired to the lounge bar for a well-earned refreshing aperitif.
P.G.M. congratulates W.M.
The Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies called us to the dining Room where we partook of a rather delightful three course meal followed by coffee / tea and mints.
Dep.P.G.M., P.G.M., W.M. & Ass.P.G.M
After the toast to the Grand Master the Lodge Director of Ceremonies called for "Fire", firing glasses had been conveniently supplied for the purpose, in case we had forgotten or had not been listening the Director of Ceremonies explained how it should be done. The next toast was proposed to the Grand Officers again with "Fire"
Presentation Team with Principal Officers of the Province
Very Worshipful Brother Ian Douglas Nairn Past Grand Junior Overseer, Assistant Provincial Grand Master suitably responded, and then proposed the toast to the Right Worshipful Grand Master again with "Fire". Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Keith Alan Beardmore responded, he repeated his congratulations and thanks to Cleveleys Lodge for an excellent presentation. Very Worshipful Brother Geoffrey Herbert Lee Past Grand Junior Overseer / Deputy Provincial Grand Master responded to the toast to the Provincial Officers and then proposed a toast to the continual wellbeing and success of the Blackpool and District Association of Mark Lodges, we were becoming experts at "Fire" by now. In his response the Chairman of the Association Worshipful Brother Robert Young McGown Past Grand Senior Deacon thanked the Deputy Provincial Grand Master for his toast. The Chairman asked if the Worshipful Master of Semper Fidelis Lodge of Mark Master Masons was in attendance, Brother David Kenworthy confirmed he was. The Chairman asked him if Semper Fidelis Lodge would accept the challenge to stage the 49th Annual Festival Brother Kenworthy confirmed they would be delighted.
Presentation Team:- 
Presentation Team:-  Mike Thistlethwait, Bob Bennett, Bob Walker
Arnold Flint & Alan Fairhust (Team Leader)
The final toast of the evening was proposed by the Provincial Grand Tyler. The evening labour and refreshment over we made our way home in the chilly Spring like night, another fabulous night of Mark Masonry over. 
Words and pictures by Ernue Gavan